Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Back to Being a Nomad

It has been just shy of a year since my last post on this blog. I had intended to keep posting even when my life does not look so nomadic, but of course, good intentions didn’t produce results. For those of you who are new to this blog, please take a minute to read the first post which gives insight to the name of this blog and perspective I write from (heart of a global nomad).

Many of you are updated on what is going on in my life right now, but for those of you who don’t know, allow me to give a quick summary. I finished my CFY (internship year) of working in the school system as a speech-language pathologist. This week I moved out of my house, and have distributed my belongings among friends (thank you to those who have generously offered their space). I am now en route to China, where I will be spending 2 months. I am not quite sure what awaits me there, but the plan is to try to either teach English or offer accent reduction courses to pay off my ticket while at the same time doing a little research for the contract company with whom I have been working this last year. The company hires speech, occupational and physical therapists and places them in schools, medical centers and other facilities nationwide. One of the primary reasons I chose to work for EBS Healthcare is because they are currently trying to branch out internationally. Because of my strong interest in international work and my experience abroad, some unique opportunities have fallen into my lap. I have had several exciting conversations with Dr. Kayser, who is heading up the international/multicultural branch. She has a great vision for EBS, and it is exciting to be a part of the initial planning and brainstorming for this new development. She herself is also a follower of Christ, which has taken our appreciation for one another to an even greater level. While I am in China, I will be networking and seeking opportunities for a team of therapists to do short-term work there. There are plenty of needs, it’s a matter of finding the right opportunity, and making it all happen. I have seen God at work in bringing me to this place, and I need to be reminded of that as the months ahead hold many intimidating unknowns. Sometimes I think I have bitten off a bit more than I can chew, and it’s probably true, but that’s okay, because I’m not the only one at work here.

While I am in China I am also looking forward to some good quality time with my parents...a.k.a., living with them, and getting to participate in the work they are a part of. I am not planning to return to work in the school system in the fall, so I have decided to extend my time abroad while I have the freedom and the means to do so. At the end of August I plan to meet up with a friend in India where she is working with several children’s homes with the non-profit organization, Orphan Outreach (http://www.orphanoutreach.org/).

I have been living a relatively “normal” settled life this last year, and found myself getting pretty comfortable, so it has been a little harder to return to my nomadic life, although I look forward to challenge and the growth that it always brings. I have no idea what experiences await me in Asia, I have no idea what doors will be opened and closed, I have no idea what my life will look like when I return. All I do know is that I am not alone, my life is not my own, and this world is not my home. I am excited to see what God does! Thanks for reading, stay tuned...

posted from Vancouver, awaiting flight CA992 to Beijing.