Sunday, April 20, 2014

an overwhelming task

Where do I begin. So much has taken place in our little world in the last month that it is difficult to know where to start and how much to share.  We had a crazy whirlwind week for all of our transitional housing programs in a few intense days of moving people, furnishing homes, and preparing houses for residents to move in. We were informed with less than a week's notice that we would be moving into our home and getting our four female residents the following week. If that weren't hectic enough, I was also helping with the furnishing process for two other new homes besides our own...and the girls were coming– soon! With amazing help and against Satan's attempts to discourage success, we were able to prepare our home and welcome the first of our residents on Thursday, March 13th. 

Initially our girls came to us in frustration and confusion. They were sent to our program thinking it was just another shelter and without being informed that this was a "program" with expectations of work and working towards goals. The first few days were a little rough, as they felt like they had just been incarcerated rather than having just been selected for the chance to better their lives through this unique program. To our benefit, very little of their anger and frustration was directed towards us, just towards the program and the circumstances which had brought them here. We patiently allowed them time to process the transition and worked to make them feel at home and to help them see the benefits of the program. It didn't take long for them to recognize that they were in a safe place, where people love them and want to help them succeed. 

Now, over a month later, our girls (ages 18 to 23), call us their family, and refer to the house they live in as their home. Just the other day, one of the young ladies introduced me as a "second mama" — yikes, that’s a big title! One of the girls said that this feels more like family than their real family.

Each of our four young ladies has a unique story of how she came to be here, and each is being stretched and challenged in unique ways. Kyle and I are being stretched and challenged in unexpected ways.  Every day is filled with opportunities to encourage and help these young people look at the world through different eyes. Every night Kyle and I go to bed exhausted, but the joyful and thankful kind of exhaustion you get from a full day. One of these days I may have time to finish unpacking our room, but right now that is not what matters most.  Please be prayerful for us, our girls and all of the work that is being done here. Most days, I have no idea what I am supposed to say or do to be the best encourager I can be for these ladies. This work is too big for us alone, and I need to remember that we are not alone, simply ambassadors of LOVE and HOPE from the Creator who led us here. And He is indeed working here! With the Easter week celebrations we have had multiple conversations and opportunities to talk about God’s love for us and the reason He sent His Son. What an awesome and sometimes overwhelming task to share the story of Christ with these young women who know very little if anything about their Father and His love for them. They are listening and soaking it all up. They are watching, learning, reading and asking. We are amazed and completely blessed to be living here with these precious souls. God is alive and at work.

For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again...
...Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making His plea through us. We plead with you on Christ’s behalf, “Be reconciled to God!”                                          ~2 Corinthians 5 (NIV/NET)